When We Are Closed
If your medical problem is of an urgent nature and cannot wait until the surgery reopens then please call the surgery number and follow the recorded instructions to access out-of-hours cover.
Please follow the instructions on the answer-machine message when surgery is closed, or call 111 to access care during these times (6.30pm - 8am on weekdays, and all day weekends & Bank Holidays) The 'Out of Hours' care is commissioned by the CCG.
We use SouthDoc's message taking service to cover for us when the surgery telephone lines are closed between morning and afternoon surgeries. Please ring the surgery in the normal way and follow the instructions on the surgery's answer machine.
Walk in Centre
The Washwood Heath Walk in centre on Clodeshall Road will see patients 9am-9pm seven days of the week (including weekends and Bank Holidays). This is a nurse led service.
NHS 111
The NHS 111 service is available if you need urgent medical help or advice when the surgery is closed. Dial 111 (free from all telephones) to access this service. Use NHS111 when the surgery is closed (i.e evenings, weekends and Bank Holidays).
Accident & Emergency
You should visit A&E or call 999 for serious injuries, serious illnesses or life-threatening emergencies, such as:
- loss of consciousness
- fits that are not stopping
- persistent, severe chest pain
- breathing difficulties
- severe bleeding that cannot be stopped